Bakerly is a bakery that specializes in the production and supply of bread, buns, croissants, pancakes, and snacks as well as recipes.
Estimated Sales
Estimated Annualized Sales§
bakerly is in the 79th percentile in the Food category.
78% inventory coverage*5% bundle sales
*Low inventory coverage can underestimate sales.
High sales from bundles can overestimate sales.
§Estimated annualized sales is extrapolated from available data, not trailing 12 months.
Comparable ShopsSimilarly sized shops in the same category
Catalog Assortment
32nd percentile
26th percentile
41st percentile
Amongst all Food shops tracked, bakerly is in the 26th percentile for Number of Products, 32nd percentile for Number of SKUs, and 41st percentile for Number of Vendors.SKU, Product, and Vendor values are inclusive of unavailable and unpublished products.
Price of Goods Sold
Average Price
25th percentile
Median Price
27th percentile
Amongst all Food shops tracked, bakerly is in the 25th percentile for Average Price of Goods Sold and 27th percentile for Median Price of Goods Sold.Price of Goods Sold (POGS) is the average or median price of all units sold during a given week. It is important to note, POGS is not the same as the Average Order Value (AOV), which is the average amount spent per order.
Distributed in 6,689 retail locations
Primary currency is USD
Coral Gables, Florida, United States
Privately Held
Funding History
No funding history available
Data Quality
Crawl Stats
Crawling active
First added Wed, Jun 19
First crawl Mon, Jun 24
Last crawl Mon, Sep 16
Crawl History32% success
Estimation Confidence
78% inventory coverage*5% bundle sales
We continually crawl our data from public sources for the most up-to-date information. Over the last 37 weeks, we were able to collect data from bakerly for 12 of those weeks across 77.8% of their products. Learn more about our methodlogy
*Low inventory coverage can underestimate sales.
High sales from bundles can overestimate sales.
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